Compare Business Gas Rates

Compare Business Gas Rates?

Compare Business Energy Rates To See How Much You Can Save

Start maximising your savings on business gas expenses today by effortlessly comparing rates from multiple providers and selecting the most advantageous deal for your company's energy needs with just a few clicks.

Seize control of your gas and electricity expenses using our advanced comparison technology. Simplify the complex process of navigating through numerous business gas and electricity rate options. Empower yourself to identify the most advantageous tariffs, contract terms, and service packages that seamlessly align with your operational objectives and financial targets.

Easily find the most competitive business gas rates on the market today with our intuitive comparison tool, designed to streamline the process and provide you with comprehensive insights into various provider offerings tailored specifically to your company's energy needs and budget requirements.

Utilise our user-friendly online platform to effortlessly access current information regarding business gas rates, enabling comprehensive analysis and evaluation of different options to identify the most cost-effective and beneficial solution for fuelling your enterprise, thereby fostering profitability and sustainability.

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Compare Business Gas Prices

How To Switch

How do we Compare Gas Business Prices?

Compare Business Gas Rates

Explore how we meticulously compare business gas rates on your behalf, utilising our expertise and advanced tools to identify the most cost-effective energy solutions customised to meet your commercial needs.

Secure The Most Competitive Gas Prices

Your switch will be processed within 1 working days, providing the convenience of completing the entire process online or reaching out to our knowledgeable team for assistance.

Select Your Chosen Gas Supplier

Select the tariff that aligns with your needs, knowing that you can opt to stay with your current gas supplier if desired.

Secure The Best Business Gas Prices

We are dedicated to securing the best gas prices for you and ensuring you stay informed by monitoring your renewal date, preventing any contract lapses and potential price increases.

Why Should You Switch Business Gas Contracts?

Why Fix Your Business Gas Rates?

  • Businesses should contemplate fixing their business gas rates to ensure certainty and stability in their energy expenses, protecting against potential price fluctuations in the volatile energy market.

  • In the midst of a dynamic energy market characterised by significant fluctuations, businesses are taking advantage of the opportunity to leverage the lowest gas rates in two years, making it an ideal time to secure cost-effective energy solutions through our brokerage services .
  • According to Cornwall Insight, wholesale prices are expected to maintain stability with minimal fluctuations in the near future. To ensure certainty and stability, many businesses are choosing to secure their business gas rates.
  • Compare real-time rates from reputable gas suppliers on our platform and secure your new tariff today for peace of mind and long-term savings.

Why Choose The Best Energy Rates?

  • Our energy brokerage services at The Best Energy Rates utilise industry expertise and market insights to negotiate competitive gas rates with suppliers, ensuring businesses achieve significant savings on their energy expenses.".
  • With our customised solutions, businesses can streamline their energy procurement processes, enabling efficient management of gas accounts and maximising opportunities for cost savings."
  • Through our partnership, businesses gain access to a broad network of reputable gas suppliers, empowering them to secure the most favourable terms and tariffs customised to their specific requirements.
  • Effortlessly compare rates from multiple providers today to maximise your business electricity and gas savings. Choose the most advantageous deal for your company's energy needs with just a few clicks.

What Business Gas Tariffs Are On Available?

Fixed Rate Tarrif

Choosing a fixed-rate tariff is a preferred option for businesses looking for stability in their gas expenses. Under this choice, you agree to a fixed unit price and standing charge, potentially locking in this rate for up to 5 years, depending on your provider's terms. Businesses that choose a fixed-rate gas tariff can efficiently manage their budgets and retain authority over their bills, protecting themselves from potential gas price increases during the contract period.

Roll Over Tarrif

Without a recently negotiated business gas agreement, you could end up being automatically enrolled in a rollover contract, usually lasting for a set period, often one year, and legally binding. These contracts might include unit rates that are relatively higher, potentially impeding your ability to obtain more economical rates elsewhere.


Tracker contracts for business gas function by adjusting your unit rate periodically based on fluctuations in wholesale energy prices, providing businesses with the opportunity to capitalise on market lows while being safeguarded from excessive increases.

Variable Business Rates

Choosing a variable rate tariff entails that your unit rate will vary in accordance with wholesale prices, providing businesses with the chance to benefit from potential decreases in gas expenses. However, it's important to acknowledge that prices may unexpectedly rise during your contract duration. If you're comfortable with price fluctuations, a variable tariff could effectively meet your business requirements.

Variable business gas rates are often high and we would recommend fixing your energy for a period of time, rather than being charged high out of contract rates.

Deemed Tarrifs

For businesses lacking an existing business gas contract or agreement, they are automatically placed on a deemed rate tariff, which typically represents the most expensive option available. Transitioning from a deemed rate tariff to a fixed energy contract is significantly more cost-effective for businesses.

Pass Through Tariff

A pass-through tariff introduces a level of complexity compared to other tariff structures by itemising your bill into fixed wholesale rates and additional rates, such as National Grid levies and network costs, which can fluctuate multiple times annually. These tariffs are typically most beneficial for proactive gas consumers who actively manage their tariff selections.


Clickable Button with Today's Date
  • We aim to showcase the cheapest business gas rates from various suppliers across the UK. However, it’s essential to note that pricing may vary based on factors such as geographical location, energy consumption levels, business type, and contract duration.
  • We will present the mean price based on an annual consumption of 50,000 kWh per year, providing a clear benchmark for businesses to assess their potential energy expenses.
  • At present, our focus lies in presenting the average prices over a three-year period to offer a comprehensive overview of the potential for long-term cost savings.
Prices added May 2024 for June 2024 start dates fixed for 36 months - Based on an annual consumption 50,000 including our discounted rates!
E.ON NEXT 30.00p Per Day 5.33p Per kWh £2,774.50
SSE ENERGY SOLUTIONS 27.88p Per Day 7.21p Per kWh £3,703.55
BRITISH GAS LITE 60.00p Per Day 5.65p Per kWh £3,044.00
VALDA ENERGY 62.00p Per Day 7.65p Per kWh £4,051.30
JELLYFISH ENERGY 65.00p Per Day 8.78p Per kWh £4,627.45
POZITIVE ENERGY 35.00p Per Day 6.78p Per kWh £3,517.75
SMARTEST ENERGY 40.00p Per Day 6.88p Per kWh £3,586.00
OPUS ENERGY 60p Per Day 7.66p Per kWh £4,049.00

It’s crucial to grasp that the prices listed in the table do not include Value Added Tax (VAT), which may be applicable depending on the nature of your business and its energy usage. Furthermore, please note that the prices provided are not arranged in any specific order of competitiveness. We urge you to meticulously review all terms and conditions linked with each offer and to consult with our team to guarantee a comprehensive understanding of the pricing structure and any potential additional charges or fees.

Is The Cost Of Business Gas Going Up?

Is The Cost Of Business GAS Getting Cheaper?

  • As of my last update in January 2022, business gas prices in the UK had been experiencing fluctuations influenced by various factors. While there had been periods of decline due to factors such as increased global gas production, technological advancements, and competition among suppliers, it's essential to note that gas prices can also be influenced by factors such as geopolitical events, supply disruptions, and changes in government policies..
  • One significant factor contributing to the decline in business gas prices is the increase in global gas production, particularly with the growth of unconventional gas sources such as shale gas. This increase in supply has helped to alleviate concerns about gas shortages and has put downward pressure on prices.
  • For the most accurate and up-to-date information on whether business gas prices are currently going down, I recommend consulting recent industry reports, economic analyses, or contacting gas suppliers directly to inquire about their pricing trends..

Why Did The Cost OF Business Gas Go Up So Much?

  • In 2022 fluctuations in global oil and gas markets lead to a significant impact on business gas prices. Factors such as changes in production levels, disruptions to supply chains, and geopolitical tensions in key gas-producing regions can lead to price increases.
  • When demand for gas outstrips supply, prices tend to rise. Factors such as extreme weather conditions, increased industrial activity, or disruptions to production facilities can create imbalances in supply and demand, putting upward pressure on prices.
  • Gas prices are often denominated in currencies such as the US dollar. Fluctuations in exchange rates between currencies can affect the cost of importing gas and may contribute to price volatility.

Who Is The Best Energy Supplier For Customer Service In The UK?

The Best Energy Rates aims to offer authentic Trustpilot ratings for different energy suppliers, providing transparency and valuable insights into customer satisfaction levels.

Explore genuine Trustpilot ratings for energy suppliers on our platform, enabling you to make well-informed decisions based on real customer experiences.

We value transparency and integrity, which is why we display genuine Trustpilot ratings for energy suppliers. This empowers businesses to select providers with established records of customer satisfaction.

4.2 / 5.0
1.2 / 5.0
1.9 / 5.0
3.8 / 5.0
3.1 / 5.0
4.2 / 5.0
4.0 / 5.0
4.5 / 5.0
4.2 / 5.0
4.3 / 5.0
  • Choosing an energy supplier with positive Trustpilot reviews holds significant importance for several reasons. Initially, Trustpilot reviews offer valuable insights into the firsthand experiences of real customers.
  • Favorable reviews often indicate dependable service, competitive pricing, and efficient customer support, all of which are crucial considerations for businesses and households reliant on consistent energy provision.
  • Trustpilot ratings serve as indicators of trustworthiness and reliability. Opting for a supplier with high scores minimises the risk of encountering issues such as billing errors, service disruptions, or inadequate communication, all of which can disrupt operations and incur costs for consumers.
  • Real-life accounts shared through Trustpilot reviews provide invaluable information about other customers’ experiences. Choosing a supplier with consistently positive reviews signifies reliability in delivering the promised service.
  • This reliability translates into fewer disruptions in energy supply, ensuring smooth business or household operations without unexpected interruptions.On our energy brokerage website, we have assessed 10 energy suppliers in the UK based on Trustpilot ratings.
  • Opus Energy received the highest score of 4.5 stars, while SSE Energy Solutions received the lowest score of 1.2 stars.


    • Opus Energy (4.5)
    • EDF (4.3)
    • EON Next (4.2)
    • Scottish Power (4.2)
    • Pozitive Energy (4.2)
    • Smartest Energy (4.0)
    • Valda Energy (3.8)
    • Jellyfish Energy (3.1)
    • British Gas Lite (1.9)
    • SSE Energy Solutions (1.2)

What Costs Make Up Your Business Gas Prices?

Several factors contribute to the costs that form your business gas prices. These include:

  1. Wholesale Gas Costs: The main element of your gas prices is the wholesale price of gas itself. This is the price at which energy suppliers buy gas from wholesale markets.

  2. Transportation and Distribution: Gas needs to be transported from production sites to distribution networks and then to your business premises. Costs related to transportation and distribution infrastructure, such as pipelines and storage facilities, are part of your gas prices.

  3. Network Charges: Energy companies face charges for using the gas distribution network to deliver gas to your premises. These charges cover the maintenance and operation of the gas distribution infrastructure.

  4. Taxes and Levies: Various taxes, levies, and government-mandated charges are added to your gas prices. These may include value-added tax (VAT), environmental levies, and carbon taxes, among others.

  5. Supplier Markup: Energy suppliers add a markup to cover their operational costs and generate profit. This markup varies among suppliers and adds to your gas prices.

  6. Metering and Administration Costs: Gas meters must be installed, read, and maintained, incurring costs that are passed on to consumers. Additionally, administrative costs related to billing and customer service support are included in your gas prices.

  7. Market Conditions and Competition: Market dynamics, such as supply and demand fluctuations and competitive pressures among suppliers, can influence gas prices. Changes in global energy markets and regulatory developments also affect gas prices.

Understanding these cost components can assist businesses in making informed decisions when selecting energy suppliers and managing their gas expenses.

What Other Charges Can Be Expected To Be Seen On Your Business Gas Bills?

Value Added Tax (VAT)

  • VAT, short for Value Added Tax, is a consumption tax applied to the majority of goods and services in the UK. It is calculated as a percentage of the total cost, encompassing any applicable taxes or duties.
  • In the UK, the prevailing standard VAT rate is 20%. However, reduced rates are applicable to specific goods and services. For instance, domestic energy bills are subject to a reduced VAT rate of 5%.

Metering Charges

  • Charges related to the transmission and distribution of gas through the national grid and local distribution networks may also be included on your bill..

Climate Change Levy (CCL)

  • The Climate Change Levy (CCL) is a UK environmental tax levied on the energy consumption of businesses and public sector organisations..
  • The Climate Change Levy (CCL) was implemented in 2001 as a component of the government's initiatives to diminish greenhouse gas emissions and address climate change. It is levied on the majority of energy sources utilised for heating, lighting, and power, with exemptions for specific sectors such as renewable energy sources and certain energy-intensive industries.

Reactive Power Charges

  • Some businesses with specific types of equipment or high gas demand may incur additional charges for reactive gas usage. This type of gas is used in certain industrial processes and may be subject to additional fees..