Free Energy Cost Comparison Calculator For Electricity and Gas

Are you looking to cut down on your energy bills? Comparing energy rates can be daunting, but with our free Energy Cost Comparison Calculator for Electricity and Gas we can help you to find the best rates from various utility suppliers.

Whether you have done your own research and found different rates from various energy suppliers or you want us to provide you with the most recent prices, then our free energy calculator can help you to make an informed decision.

It doesn’t matter if you are a homeowner or a business, our tool makes it simple to compare quotes and choose the most cost-effective option for your energy needs and will hopefully point you in the right direction to save money!




Why Use Our Energy Cost Comparison Calculator?

  • Comprehensive Analysis: Our calculator takes into account both standing charges and kilowatt-hour (kWh) rates to provide you with the most accurate and comprehensive comparison.
  • Downloadable: You can either use our free energy cost calculator or you can download a version on excel, which you can then use to save, edit or send.
  • User-Friendly Interface: With an very basic and easy to use design, our calculator is simple to use, even if you’re not tech-savvy.
  • Up-to-Date Information: We constantly update our website with the latest rates from all major energy suppliers to ensure you get the best possible deals. You can also call us for up to date prices for your home or business.
  • Free and No Obligation: Our service is completely free, and there’s no obligation to switch. Use our calculator to make an informed decision without any pressure at all.




How To Work The Free Energy Comparison Calculator

  1. Enter Your Standing Charge: Add your current standing charge you are being charged by your current supplier. If you are being charged £1.50 a day enter it as 1.50, if you are being charged say £0.60 per day it needs to be entered into the energy calculator as 0.60
  2. Input Your Unit Rate: Enter in your the rates you are being charged at the moment. If you are being charged a rate of 35.58p per kWh then the format for the calculator would be 0.3558.
  3. Enter Your Annual Consumption: Input your current annual consumption. This can be obtained from your current energy supplier or you can add all of your usage (kWh) up over the past 12 months to work our the total figure.
  4. Add The Rates You Have Obtained: We can either give you the latest prices from energy suppliers or if you have done then homework then you will need to add in the prices you have obtained, which should include the kWh in pence and also the standing charge.


Example of How To Enter Prices Into The Free Energy Comparison Calculator

Photo below of how to enter in your standing charge, unit rates (kWh) and annual consumption. Once completed press the calculator comparison button and this will give you your free comparison.

Free Energy Cost Comparison Calculator



Energy Cost Comparison Calculator

Current Supplier

Other Supplier 1

Other Supplier 2

Other Supplier 3

Annual Cost Comparison




Businesses Using the Free Consumption Calculator?

When using our free Energy Cost Comparison Calculator to find the best electricity and gas rates for your business, there are several important factors to businesses should consider beyond the basic standing charges and kilowatt-hour (kWh) rates.

These include:

Climate Change Levy (CCL) – The Climate Change Levy (CCL) is a tax that businesses pay on their energy usage. It’s applied to both gas and electricity bills and is designed to encourage companies to be more energy-efficient and lower their carbon emissions.

Capacity Charges: For businesses with significant energy consumption, capacity charges may apply. These charges are based on the agreed maximum consumption level.

Reactive Power Charges: If your business has poor power factor performance, you may incur reactive power charges.

Network Charges: These include Distribution Use of System (DUoS) and Transmission Network Use of System (TNUoS) charges, which cover the cost of delivering energy to your premises.


Downloadable Free Excel Energy Cost Comparison Calculator For Electricity and Gas

Download a free excel energy cost comparison calculator for Electricity and Gas.

Our downloadable free Excel Energy Cost Comparison Calculator for electricity and gas is available to download and edit.

This easy-to-use tool allows you to input your current energy usage and rates, then compare them against other suppliers to find the best deal. Whether you’re a homeowner or a business owner, our calculator helps you quickly and accurately identify potential savings. Download it now and take the first step towards reducing your energy costs and making more informed decisions about your energy consumption.



Example of How To Use The Free Excel Energy Comparison Calculator

With our free excel energy comparison calculator you can download this version and edit it yourself, this also allows people with 2 rate electricity meters also known as Day and Night, or Economy 7 meters.

  1. Enter Your Annual Consumption: Add your annual consumption, for this example we have used 20,000 kWh, add this into the column, which says ‘Day Consumption’. If you have a Day/Night, Economy 7 meter then you will need to add your day and night usage into the correct cells.
  2. Add Your Standing Charge: Add the standing rate in pounds and pence where it says ‘S/C Per Day’. If you are being charged £1.50 a day for your standing charge you will need to enter it as £1.50.
  3. Input Your Unit Rates: Whether you have a day or night meter you will need to add in your unit rate (kWh) into the correct cells on the free excel downloadable spreadsheet. If you are being charged 35.60p per kWh, then you will need to add this as 35.60
  4. Add Your Comparison Rates: If you need the latest rates then we can provide these to you, alternatively complete the rest of the excel spreadsheet with your rates and the spreadsheet will automatically update to show you your comparison against other suppliers.


free excel comparison calculator for business energy


Download Free Excel Energy Quote Calculator

FREE Energy Cost Comparison Calculator Gas & Electricity

Download our free excel Energy quote calculator: Easily run your own comparison to find the best energy rates.

Start using our free energy quote calculator today to see how much you could save on your energy bills and make smarter, more informed decisions about your energy consumption!