Business Electricity

Why Switch Your Business Electricity

Switch & Save

When using The Best Energy Rates, you’ll save time as well as money. By switching your business electricity provider we can help you ensure you’re on the best deal for your business.

By switching your business electricity via The Best Energy Rates our customers can enjoy significant cost savings of up to 65% if being on a deemed or variable rates.

We can save business owners substantial amounts of money on their business energy bills, thanks to our competitive rates and personalised energy plans tailored to your specific business needs.

Discover the power of savings by using The Best Energy Rates. We will locate the most competitive rates and tailored energy plans empowering customers to reduce their expenses and maximise their business's profitability.

Free Quotation

Why Switching Matters

How do we compare business electricity prices?

At The Best Energy Rates, we do the hard work for you of comparing energy prices from various energy companies, ensuring our customers get the best energy rates available. Our comprehensive analysis saves valuable time and effort for businesses, enabling them to focus on what matters most!

It only takes a few minutes to compare the latest business electricity prices from the wholesale market. All we need is a few details, which can you can fill in below and we can come back to you with your potential savings.

We go the extra mile to save you time and money. We compare energy prices from various companies, ensuring you receive the best energy rates available in the market. Our dedicated team does the research, so you don't have to, giving you peace of mind and valuable cost savings

Let us navigate the energy market for you, finding the best rates available that will save your business time and money. We partner with over 16 different energy suppliers including the Big 6 so if you wish to switch or remain we have you covered.

Different Types of Business Electricity Tariffs

Fixed Electricity Rates

A Fixed Business Electric Rate is an energy contract where the electricity unit rate (kwh) remains constant throughout the duration of the contract, regardless of any changes in the energy market.

Variable Business Rates

Variable Business Rates are electricity prices, which fluctuate based on market conditions and factors such as supply and demand. Unlike fixed plans, the rates can change periodically, potentially reflecting market price fluctuations. Variable rates tend to be considerably higher than contractual energy prices and in some case 65% higher.

Deemed Electricity Rates

Deemed electricity rates are often higher and tend to be the highest types of rates a customer will be charged. They are extremely higher prices than negotiated rates, as they are considered default or standard prices. It is advisable for businesses to promptly arrange a formal contract or switch to a more favourable tariff to avoid paying higher deemed rates in the long term.

Flexible Energy

With a flexy business energy contract, businesses can actively manage their energy procurement strategy by taking advantage of market fluctuations and choosing when to buy energy based on favourable pricing conditions. This contract type allows businesses to adjust their energy purchasing volumes, contract lengths, and pricing structures to align with their specific energy needs and market conditions


When the initial contract term is approaching its expiration, the business may choose to extend the contract with the same supplier for a further period. This allows the business to maintain continuity in their energy supply and often provides the opportunity to negotiate new terms and conditions, such as updated pricing or revised contract terms.

Pass Through

Pass-through energy contracts, also known as pass-through pricing or index pricing contracts, are a type of energy agreement where the business pays for electricity at the wholesale market price, without any added markup or fixed margin from the supplier.

Why Switching Matters

Energy Prices For SME's and Large Businesses

With free independent advice, we can help ensure you are on the best energy tariff to suit you and your business energy needs. We compare energy rates from various suppliers including the ‘Big 6’, so whether you wish to remain or switch to a new supplier we can offer their most competitive rates.

With our expertise and industry knowledge, we can analyse your energy requirements, assess market conditions, and offer tailored quotes that meet the unique energy needs of your business.

As well as offering lower energy prices and green energy, we also specialise in dealing with multiple site contracts, industry changes, energy and account management.

Our dedicated team is committed to delivering competitive pricing options and helping you make informed decisions to optimise your energy costs and maximize your business's efficiency and profitability.