Business Gas

Why Switch Your Business Gas?

Switch & Save

Switching business gas suppliers can often result in significant cost savings for businesses. By exploring alternative options and comparing rates, businesses can find providers offering more competitive prices, potentially reducing their energy costs.

Many businesses find themselves locked into long-term contracts with their current gas supplier, limiting their ability to adapt to changing needs. Switching suppliers offers an opportunity to explore more flexible contract terms, such as shorter agreements or options for variable pricing, allowing businesses to better align their gas usage with their operational requirements.

Not all gas suppliers offer the same level of customer service. Switching to a provider known for its exceptional customer support can lead to a smoother and more efficient experience. Businesses can benefit from responsive communication, dedicated account managers, and assistance with any gas-related queries or issues that may arise.

You can discover the power of saving money on your gas bills by using The Best Energy Rates. We will need a few pieces of information, which will allow us to locate the best energy rates and with tailored energy plans we can ensure you are on the right tariff paying the best possible prices.

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Why Switching Matters

How Do We Compare Business Gas Prices?

Our team of experienced energy experts conducts thorough market analysis to stay up to date with the latest trends, price fluctuations, and industry insights. We closely monitor factors such as market demand, gas commodity prices, regulatory changes, and supplier offerings. This allows us to identify the best opportunities for securing favourable gas prices for our clients.

We have established strong relationships with a wide network of reputable gas suppliers. This network includes both major providers and smaller, niche suppliers. By working with multiple suppliers, we can access a comprehensive range of pricing options, ensuring that we have a broad scope for comparison.

We understand that each business has unique energy requirements, usage patterns, and budget considerations. To provide accurate and relevant comparisons, we take the time to understand your business's specific needs. This information helps us tailor our search and focus on suppliers that can meet your requirements while offering competitive rates.

The Best Energy Rates specialises in finding the most cost-effective gas solutions and prices for businesses. By leveraging the combined power of being part of a collective we are able to offer preferential rates, which can result in huge savings.

Different Types of Business Gas Tariffs

Fixed Electricity Rates

A Fixed Business Electric Rate is an energy contract where the electricity unit rate (kwh) remains constant throughout the duration of the contract, regardless of any changes in the energy market.

Variable Business Rates

Variable Business Rates are electricity prices, which fluctuate based on market conditions and factors such as supply and demand. Unlike fixed plans, the rates can change periodically, potentially reflecting market price fluctuations. Variable rates tend to be considerably higher than contractual energy prices and in some case 65% higher.

Deemed Electricity Rates

Deemed electricity rates are often higher and tend to be the highest types of rates a customer will be charged. They are extremely higher prices than negotiated rates, as they are considered default or standard prices. It is advisable for businesses to promptly arrange a formal contract or switch to a more favourable tariff to avoid paying higher deemed rates in the long term.

Flexible Energy

With a flexy business energy contract, businesses can actively manage their energy procurement strategy by taking advantage of market fluctuations and choosing when to buy energy based on favourable pricing conditions. This contract type allows businesses to adjust their energy purchasing volumes, contract lengths, and pricing structures to align with their specific energy needs and market conditions


When the initial contract term is approaching its expiration, the business may choose to extend the contract with the same supplier for a further period. This allows the business to maintain continuity in their energy supply and often provides the opportunity to negotiate new terms and conditions, such as updated pricing or revised contract terms.

Pass Through

Pass-through energy contracts, also known as pass-through pricing or index pricing contracts, are a type of energy agreement where the business pays for electricity at the wholesale market price, without any added markup or fixed margin from the supplier.

Why Switching Matters

Energy Prices For SME's and Large Businesses

Large energy users typically have high energy consumption, making even small differences in energy rates significant. By switching suppliers, these businesses have the opportunity to negotiate better pricing and contract terms, potentially leading to substantial cost savings. The ability to secure more competitive rates can directly impact the bottom line and improve overall financial performance.

Different energy suppliers offer varying products and services. By switching, large energy users can explore suppliers that specialize in serving businesses with specific energy needs or industry requirements. This opens the door to customized energy solutions, such as demand response programs, renewable energy options, or energy efficiency initiatives that align with their sustainability goals and operational demands.

Relying solely on one energy supplier can expose large energy users to risks such as supply disruptions, price volatility, or unfavourable contract terms. Switching suppliers allows businesses to diversify their energy procurement, spreading the risks associated with energy supply and ensuring more stability in their energy sourcing strategies. This can provide greater control and flexibility in managing energy costs and mitigating potential risks.

Switching energy suppliers promotes healthy competition in the market. Large energy users can drive innovation and push suppliers to improve their offerings by exploring alternative suppliers. This competition incentivises suppliers to enhance their services, develop new products, and provide more value to customers. Ultimately, this benefits large energy users by giving them a wider range of options and driving industry advancements.